A smooth transition for parents and children

Settling into the new environment of nursery is a big step into a new and exciting world for both yourself and your child.

We feel that all children need to have a ‘Settling In” period before they start at Myrtle House Nursery to introduce you both to nursery life, and allow your child to feel safe and secure in the environment.

On your first and second visit you will stay with your child and you will be assigned a key worker who will be responsible for helping you and your child to settle into nursery life.  They will also monitor your child’s progress and development, providing regular updates during the first few weeks of nursery life, whilst you both adapt to the new routine.

Anxiety separation is completely normal and all children develop it to different degrees but as a nursery we are prepared for this and is why we take special care to make sure your child settles in

Some suggestions that can help with settling your child:

• Stay calm by giving yourself plenty of time in the morning before drop off, especially while adapting to the new routine.  Children pick up on our emotions very easily.

• If they want, let your child bring along a special toy, comforter or possession, so that they will feel comfortable in the new setting.

• Make sure to provide the nursery team information regards your child likes and dislikes and their home routines. This will allow the team to better understand your child’s personality.

We also assist parents of children transitioning to primary school. During the initial days, schools often have staggered start and finish times. To help manage these logistical challenges and ensure continuity, wraparound care can be a valuable support.

If you consider placing your child in one of our nurseries, please contact us to learn more about our settling-in process or wraparound care. We are here to help you and your child make a smooth transition.