The Developing Child

Our curriculum aims to ensure that every child has a flying start in life and the best possible basis for their future growth and development.

We understand that each child develops at their own unique pace, acquiring and developing skills at different rates and our curriculum allows us to tailor our activities and experiences to extend and challenge each individual child. 

At the heart of all we do is your child and encouraging them to develop to their full potential through a range of activities and hands-on experiences with the added support of our qualified early childhood teachers.


Under 2’s Curriculum

Activities for the under two year olds are planned based around the Birth to Three Matters framework.

The framework recognises that all 0-2 year olds have a need to develop and learn through interaction with people and exploration of the world around them. 

It is divided into Four ‘aspects’ which focus the skill and competence of babies and young children and highlights the interrelationship between growth, learning, development and the environment in which they are cared for and educated.

  • A Strong Child

    • Me, Myself and I • Being Acknowledged and Affirmed • Developing Self- assurance • A Sense of Belonging

  • A Skilful Communicator

    • Being Together • Finding a Voice • Listening and Responding • Making Meaning

  • A Competent Learner

    • Making Connections • Being Imaginative • Being Creative • Representing

  • A Healthy Child

    • Emotional Well-being • Growing and Developing • Keeping Safe • Healthy Choice


Over 2’s Curriculum

We aspire to create in children positive dispositions towards learning which, if nurtured, will last a lifetime and provide the firm foundation which all our children need to support them in realising the purposes of Curriculum for Wales.

To accomplish this we implement the Welsh Governments ‘A curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings’ which recognises that every child in our setting is unique and will develop at different rates. It also recognises and values the Welsh language as an integral part of the unique culture of Wales and a language that should be taught in all settings.

We use this curriculum along with our knowledge and experience to reflect and respond to the individual needs of the children in our setting.

The Five Developmental Pathways

Central to this curriculum are five key developmental pathways that are fundamental to the learning and development of all young children. These developmental pathways are child-centred and are interdependent, having equal value in supporting overall development and progress.

They have been developed to ensure children can be supported to make progress at their own pace and in their preferred learning environment.


    Belonging is essential to a child’s sense of happiness and well-being. When they are young, children begin to develop a sense of how they fit in to the many groups to which they belong, and their importance within them. Strong, secure relationships are vital to this sense of belonging.


    Communication is fundamental to children’s development; it is vital to the foundation of relationships and essential for learning, play and social interaction. To learn effectively, children need to understand and be able to make themselves understood. Communication involves developing listening, attention and understanding, alongside vocabulary and speaking skills.


    Children’s natural curiosity about the world around them is a strong motivator for exploration. Children are endlessly curious problem solvers who often find delight, awe and wonder in everyday occurrences. They enjoy exploring and investigating by themselves and with others. They are often keen to share their delight in new knowledge or skills and learn from each other.


    All children have a natural need to move, or be moved, and to move or manipulate objects, often repeatedly, as part of their development. This involves both gross motor and fine motor manipulation. These motor movements become more refined and smoothly coordinated with time and opportunity. Repetition and variety are critical to development as children begin to explore their increasing physical capabilities.


    Children are influenced by the adults, experiences and environments they encounter. When these three work together successfully, they create a strong sense of well-being for all. Feeling connected, secure and safe are key elements to developing a strong sense of well-being. Adults who create emotionally safe environments can support children to begin to recognise and manage their feelings and behaviour in positive ways. They can also help children begin to understand that actions have consequences.

Interested in enrolling?

Contacting the Nursery directly by email or phone would allow you to talk to one of our Nursery managers where they will be able to answer any questions you have, let you know availability for your child’s age group, and send you an enrolment form.

The best way to find out if we’re the right choice for you and your child is by seeing it for yourself. Please contact us to arrange a visit, we’d love to meet you. If you would like to read more about our nurseries, please download our parent prospectus.